Sunday, April 28, 2013

Pacing, Packing, and Panicing

Amanda here:

Mark and I have discussed (in a hypothetical way) hiking the Pacific Crest Trail since we started dating in November, but it really didn't seem like a serious option until just recently. So after not very much deliberation, we spontaneously decided that this year was the year!

Everything I own for the next 5 months
Us both being fairly "go-with-the-flow" personality types, we like to take opportunities as we see them (and sometimes create our own opportunities) - which is how I ended up on a second multi-month expedition this year. Curious about my other travels? Check out my personal blog at

Our fantastic GoLite Imogene UL3 tent, set up in the backyard.

So now comes the fun part. After the decision was made to hike, we bought gear, food, packed, quit our jobs and sold our cars bringing us to where we are now - sitting in Mark's mother's guest room on the floor surrounded by tent poles and astronomically expensive sleeping bags.

This being a personal introduction of sorts, I will happily tell a little about Mark to all of you, and he will do the same for me in his first (ever) blog post - he could use some encouragement guys, so comment away!!

Mark is a kind-hearted down to earth, easily pleased, typical male. My awesome, attractive, wilderness God of a boyfriend was who re-inspired my love for camping and the trail, and has been in the outdoors his whole life. He has, however, hiked the California section of the trail before (in 2011, one of the highest snow pack years to date) and therefore has a lot of experience navigating and such, which is good, because I have no clue what I'm doing. Mark cares, but isn't obnoxious, and protects without smothering. We anticipate ups and downs on the trail, but nothing wild enough to shake us very far apart.
Mark on the PCT 2011. We won't have this much snow!

We love feedback because neither of us have done such extensive documenting of an experience like this - so don't be afraid to talk to us. We are people just like you, who have left everything we know for something completely different!

We will be posting our next town resupply and ETA along the way. We do accept packages of homemade baked goods, hiking gear, etc. and will post a wishlist as our hiker hunger increases!

Next stop: 
Julian, CA - mile 77
ETA: May 2, 2013


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