Thursday, May 9, 2013

Wild in Idyllwild

To start, I would like to say that our stay in Julian, CA - although short and a bit pricey for a hiker - was lovely. Secondly, I would like to share my excitement in the fact that there are other females on the trail - hurrah! After hitching a ride back to the trail head, we were spoiled with the infamous Trail Magic, consisting of beer, pie, ice cream, doughnuts, Gatorade, and good company. You could say that the bar was set pretty high as far as magic goes. And so, our "zero day" ended up turning into a "nero day" (very few miles hiked) and we stumbled up the trail in a post-beer daze. So much for resting my feet.

Our campsite in the mountains after our "nero" day
Some of my girls and me enjoying trail magic at Scissors Crossing

Mark got his sunglasses back, thanks to an anonymous hiker

The best thing about the trail for me, personally, are the people and the food (mostly in town). Please enjoy some of these clever and fitting trail names as I tell you a bit about our new friends:

The Messenger: Young man from Israel traveling the U.S. Hiked parts of the PCT going southbound and was asked by far too many hikers to pass on messages to their friends behind them.
Knock on Wood: Early 30's with an awesome Indian girlfriend back home. Preciously attempted the PCT but ended early due to injury. How he got his name? Over the course of his two attempts at the PCT, his backpack was lost luggage twice and his itinerary was unexpectedly changed one too many times.

Sweet Jesus: Very mellow and friendly 21 year old with an easygoing attitude. A pleasure to hike with! First time on the PCT, but knows his stuff about gear and lightweight backpacking. Has a beard and long curly hair, according to The Messenger, "like Jesus has."
Bloody River: Recent Cornell graduate, and isn't quite sure why he is on the trail. Very intelligent, camping with a hammock, and prone to nose bleeds (hence the name). Seems to be studying his progress fairly intensely.
Banjo: Mark and I have hiked quite a bit with Banjo, and were the ones to give him his trail name! 21 years of age, plays the banjo, blew things up as a child, from Nevada and has a great laugh. Hopefully we will be seeing more of him in the future!
Fennel: One of our favorites. He's a farmer from Virginia, studied at UVA and very generously invited us to use his shower in his hotel room (versus the ones at our campground) and to cook in his kitchenette. Unfortunately, it looks like he will be leaving the trail here in Idyllwild due to a previous foot injury. Sad to see him go!

Other special mentions: Hannah and Bryce, Jordan and Broc, Abby (one of my closer friends! Sadly, she is finishing her undergrad and leaves the trail for a few days during the week to attend her one class  before graduation), Adam and Sam, Christina, and more!
In the cow fields after Barrel Springs

100 miles under our belts!

Amanda, Abby, and Mark - enjoying burritos thanks to Abby's parents

Mark setting up the tent in the wind

Weather Update: Mark and I experienced our first storm as a couple. A literal storm, with rain and wind and wet shoes. After hiking 8 miles in torrential downpour in the mountains before Chihuahua Valley Rd., we came across Mike's Trail Angel heaven - another incredible bit of trail magic, and just in time! We took shelter there for 23 hours filled with bottomless coffee, hot meals and morning pancakes. Banjo played guitar all night and we caught up with a few friends who had jumped ahead. Thank you Mike and friends!

Blister Update: I'm healing!! A total of 10 blisters are visible at the moment, but they are all well on their way to being manageable. We are currently hanging out in Idyllwild waiting for my new shoes to arrive (ETA: Saturday) and enjoying the somewhat dreary weather ( a nice change from the desert).

We will be in town for a few days (potentially), so give us a call or comment! Or, mail us some goodies to our next stop!

Paradise Cafe: Very hiker friendly restaurant right off of Highway 74. We ordered nachos, fries, lemonade and beer - to die for. Highly recommended!

Got change? Thank you Higher Grounds for awesome coffee! (

Happy Trails,


  1. Amanda you are my hero!!
    Have a wonderful time :)
    Hugs to you both,

  2. Kimberly, you are amazing! Thanks for your good thoughts - we can feel them! Sending our love back!
